Crop Scouting
Growers, don’t underestimate the value of good old fashion scouting
Once crops start emerging, so do potential issues. Scouting fields for pest, weed and disease pressure is time well spent. Depending on the time of year and accompanying weather, what you need to look for in your corn and soybean fields will vary.
We have two tools to help your scouting season run smoothly – a scouting calendar and a scouting kit checklist. Both documents are available for download below. If you encounter any issues while scouting or are interested in additional resources, contact your Burrus Representative for assistance!
Crop Scouting Calendar
Our Agronomic Team compiled a list of potential crop issues and when they are most prevalent in fields. This calendar is a great tool to notify growers what to look for during each part of the growing season. Download our Scouting Calendar below for an easy reference throughout the growing season.

Scouting Kit Checklist
Maximize your time spent scouting by preparing in advance. With our scouting kit checklist you can have your truck equipped to evaluate any crop issues you come across!