Planting Plan Communication

It is vital now more than ever for growers to communicate their planting plan.

Planting is the single most crucial time for growers.  Placing products at the recommended population in the selected field at the optimum time is essential for success throughout the growing season and at harvest.  The limited time frame and small window for error means planting is also stressful – and details can sometimes slip through the cracks. Set your operation up for success with a thorough planting plan.

Growers need to be prepared for quick changes in personnel or assigned tasks on their operation.  Having a well communicated, concrete planting plan ensures all members of your on-farm team are aware of where and how to place each product for maximum performance.

Product Placement Cards

Burrus Account Managers are equipped with neon pink notifications to accompany each bag, pallet, or box of seed with that product’s custom management information.  It’s a new service we first implemented in 2020 which growers found helpful in organizing their planting season. 

It’s vital that all team members know the plan to avoid pulling the wrong seed from the shed and placing it in a field it’s not suited for.  At best, yields aren’t maximized and at worst, a crop fails.  We understand the effort put into selecting products for each acre, and the necessity of managing them correctly.

Burrus growers can contact their Account Manager directly to request completed cards for their seed order, we have stickers to be applied to bags and pallets and card stock notes to slide into box document pouches.  We also have a printable form available for anyone interested in implementing the process on their own operation.

There are many things we can’t control, but the things we can include our effort, our attitude and our actions. These notification cards can help all involved understand the plan you have in place. Our goal has always been to listen to our growers, learn their needs and find the best practical product fit.  Hopefully these tools help maximize that effort and help you achieve the highest return on your seed investment dollar.

At Burrus, we take pride in being a trusted partner in all the operations that utilize our products.  We are proud of our effort in putting the grower first, not only during planting but throughout the year.  Call when you need us at 877- 4-BURRUS.