Utilizing New Corn Traits

Over the last couple years, a new generation of seed traits have become commercially available. Let’s review how to integrate these new technologies into your operation. The newest traits have additional options for weed control and modes of action for insect control. Knowing the new features of the traits will help you decide if they are a good fit for your operation. A helpful resource to compare modes of action for current corn traits can be found below and on page 21 of the 2025 Burrus Product Selection Guide.

Herbicide Traits

Although most herbicide traits have remained unchanged over the years, the Enlist® corn trait has been paired with newer insect traits to allow greater herbicide flexibility when combating tough to control weeds. When it comes to employing traits, simple confusion can lead to large mistakes. Therefore, it is imperative to understand each hybrid’s herbicide and insect traits you are utilizing. Remember to always consult product labels or contact your seed advisor prior to chemical applications to prevent costly mistakes. 

Above Ground Only Traits

The latest generation of above ground traits have added modes of action to provide more robust control of above ground pests. Products with broad lepidoptera traits offer broad spectrum control of caterpillar type insects such as earworms. Other traits like PowerCore® Enlist® have combined trusted corn borer traits to offer greater control and help prevent resistance. Deciding which trait to use can be determined by scouting and knowing which insect pressures exist on your farm. 

Above & Below Ground Traits

Bt trait resistance development continues in many areas where corn rootworms (CRW) are a concern. The advent of RNA technology-based traits is key to controlling CRW. There are two major classes of RNA based traits: 

  • SmartStax® PRO and Vorceed™ Enlist® are two high CRW control level traits. Each contains three above ground traits and three below ground traits. The major difference between the two is the added Enlist herbicide trait in Vorceed Enlist. These traits are recommended in higher pressure fields where the most rootworm control is needed. 
  • The VT4PRO™ trait provides a moderate level of CRW control. It consists of three above ground traits and two below ground traits. One of the above ground traits provides broad lepidoptera control. With one less Bt rootworm trait, VT4PRO is not recommended in high rootworm pressure areas. Ideally, this trait would be used in a rootworm area where you have lower pressure to prevent population build up. 

Selecting traits that best fit your operation will help control the weeds, insects, and diseases that affect your operation without spending money on features that aren’t of use. Please consult your trusted seed advisor if you have any further questions. 

written by Chris Brown, CCA – Burrus Seed Field Agronomist