Seed Stewardship

Seed stewardship is every grower’s responsibility.

When a grower purchases any variety of trait, they do so under contract and agree to limitations. Those limitations are spelled out in the Technology Use Agreement (TUA). As new technologies are introduced, growers are required to sign new TUAs. Just like a herbicide label, these guidelines must be followed by the growers utilizing the specific product. Growers agree to all the terms associated with labels when they break the seal on the herbicide jug, seed bag or EZ Load box – whether they have signed the TUA or not. It is always best practice to have signed a current TUA.


Latest technology:

  • High-yielding soybean technologies
  • Better variety options
  • Leading seed treatment options

Customer service:

  • Dealer agronomic support before and after the sale
  • Replant policy support
  • Convenient packaging and delivery

Reliable germination and quality:

  • Rigorously tested and meets US Federal Seed Act requirements
  • Free of seed-borne diseases
  • Properly stored and conditioned

For more information on the value of new soybean seed, see here.


Seed containing the XtendFlex® traits can only be used to plant a single commercial crop. It is unlawful to save and replant XtendFlex® soybeans. Additional information and limitations on the use of this product are provided in the Technology Stewardship Agreement and the Bayer Technology Use Guide: U.S. patents for Bayer technologies can be found at the following webpage:


To assess insect resistance management (IRM) compliance, Burrus will use a third-party to conduct assessments for a randomly selected set of customers who purchased technology-based hybrids as well as soybeans with Roundup Ready 2 Xtend technology.

Following each on-farm assessment, it will be determined if the grower is in compliance. If a grower is found to be out of compliance, Burrus will contact the grower prior to the next growing season to provide compliance assistance. Anyone found to be out of compliance will be checked the following two years. Repeated non-compliance can result in loss of access to these technologies.


Growers must recognize they are purchasing seed solely for the purpose of producing a grain crop, and seed, and any product from the seed, cannot be resold or used as seed. Purchase of seed does not transfer ownership of any Plant Variety Protection Act rights, patent rights or other intellectual property rights associated with a soybean product. Burrus takes all measures requested by our suppliers (e.g., labeling, requiring contractual agreements with our customers) to protect the PVP and/or intellectual property rights related to our seed products.

We print on all bags, tags and order forms for each soybean product subject to protection under the PVPA and/or Patent Act as applicable:

Soybean products for which a PVP certificate has been issued or for which a patent has been applied will be labeled as such. Unauthorized sales for reproductive purposes prohibited.

For soybean products on which a US patent has been issued, or for which a patent has been applied will be labeled as such.

Seed containing a patented trait can only be used to plant a single commercial crop from which seed cannot be saved and replanted.

Examples of seed containing a patented trait include but are not limited to Roundup Ready 2 Yield® soybeans and Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® soybeans. Additional information and limitations on the use of these products are provided in the Monsanto Technology Use Guide. US patents for Monsanto technologies can be found online.