Burrus Corn Products

Everyone likes choice, so we have done our best to give you the most choice possible! Since 1935 the Burrus Seed team has been dedicated to the seed corn industry – always looking for new ways to improve growers’ yields and profitability.

Find Your Best Fit Hybrid

Answer the questions below to find the Burrus Seed corn products best fit for your management style and operation.


Herbicide Tolerance

Click the options below that are of interest to you, then click "Next Question" when you're ready.

Hybrid Corn from Burrus Seed


Burrus is our flagship brand carrying technologies accessed through licenses with Bayer and Syngenta. Power Plus® is a distributorship brand granting deeper access into the Corteva portfolio.

Seed Quality

When it comes to seed quality, Burrus is recognized as an industry leader. We truly “live” in our seed fields. It’s our name on the bag and that drives us every day to do things the right way, not just the easy way.

Genetic Diversity

Without an exclusive obligation to a specific supplier, we are able to access germplasm from multiple sources. What this means for our growers is a selection of products carrying genes from a genetic selection larger and more diverse than our competitors.

Research & Testing

We are proud of our research and testing program designed with the grower in mind. We place our testing and research locations across various soil productivity levels to mimic environments our growers experience on a yearly basis and not just the most productive areas so we can post ‘high yields.’ We like to see how our products adapt to their surroundings so we can help growers choose the best products for their farm.


As a truly independent company, Burrus is not tied to a single supplier or trait platform and can offer growers a selection of technologies to best fit their farm while delivering exceptional yield. Our corn product lineup features multiple trait options for the insect control your acres require. We also offer a strong conventional lineup. The choice is yours – explain your management style and we can recommend the corn hybrids best fit for you.

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